How to Export Coupons/Coupon Activity Logs in Coupon Manager
Follow the following steps to export Coupon or Coupon Activity Log Log into your Joomla Administrator Go to Components > Coupons > Configuration Go to the General part of configuration Click on export Coupon/Coupon Activity log

How to confirm a deal in coupon manager
Follow the following steps to confirm a deal Log into your Joomla Administrator Go to Components > Coupons > Orders Select the particular user Lastly, click on the order status to confirm the deal.

How to manage Social Media in Recipe Manager
Follow the following steps for making changes in social media preferences: Log into your Joomla Administrator Go to Components > Recipe Manager > Configuration Manager Make your required changes and update it

How to Credit a User in Coupon Manager
For Crediting any particular user follow the given steps:- Log into your Joomla Administrator Go to your Components > Coupons > Users Now select the particular user from the list Click on Apply to apply package settings
The Skanner is using Obituary Manager for Obituary and Funeral Homes Listings
The Skanner News Group is using Obituary Manager for listing and managing Obituaries and Funeral Homes. About The Skanner News Group The Skanner is a website and newspaper published in Portland, Oregon, and Seattle, Washington. Established in 1975, The Skanner…
Coupon Management System where online users can print coupon code and redeem it at store
Among its other features, Coupon Manager also lets users print coupons with unique codes (or scan QR codes through smartphone). They, then, take it to the merchant who cross-check for those unique codes in his Coupon Manager backend and mark…
Customer Testimonial – SwimmingGreece.com
Hello all, after 2 months of full hard work, based on your template Ibn Batuta, I have finished my latest project for a client and since there were massive changes in php, js and css, I would like to proudly…
Customer of the Week: VendoDeals
Facebook Update: Customer of the Week: VendoDeals Vendo Deals is a fast growing Swedish Deals Portal. Powered by Coupon Manager. Find more about Joomla6Teen’s Coupon Solutions: www.joomla6teen.com/Coupon-Manager.html Coupon Manager for your website www.joomla6teen.com Couon Manager for Joomla, iphone and…
Looking for PHP Developers
Looking for PHP Developers with 0-1 yr experience with expertise in Javascript and CSS. Remunerations will be at par with the best in the industry. Flexible work hours. Freedom to do your thing your way. Bi-weekly outings. Email us at…