JoomD is making big steps here
Here’s what an user has to say about JoomD extension: “I have tried Mosets Tree before (bought it) and I used SobiPro before.. I really think that JoomD is making big steps here! This extension defenitely could grow out to…
Create multiple stances of directory listings with JoomD
JoomD’s Type Manager lets you create multiple stances of different directory listings, in a single Joomla installation, with each directory type having its own custom fields and categories. Check it out:
Joomla template for Coupon Manager
Coupon Manager extension has a great, new customized design by Carpe Diem, our April 2012 Joomla template. Check it out: Check out the Coupon Manager extension:
Carpe Diem Joomla Template is now ready for purchase
Carpe Diem, our April 2012 Joomla template is now ready for purchase 🙂 Get your copy now.

Help! With 1.7 Out and 2.5 Just In, What Should I Do? Upgrade or Wait?
With the new 2.5 release comfortably settling in and the old 1.7 one almost at the end of its life, many site builders and users are asking what they should be doing next and what decisions they should be making…

What’s new in Joomla! 2.5?
Joomla! 2.5 will be released in January 2012 and it is the successor of Joomla! 1.5. It will be a so called long term release and it will be the Joomla! state of the art until July 2013. The versions…

Joomla 1.6, 1.7, and 2.5: ACL Concepts Overview
This article is based on two articles originally written for Joomla 1.6. This article was written in December 2011, prior to the release of Joomla 2.5. However, it assumed that ACL concepts will not change between Joomla versions, even if…