Featured Recipe List for Recipes Manager
Display list of featured recipes in recipes manager. Build your own High-end Recipes website with ratings and reviews, Youtube videos, Print One or All Recipes functionality, Share buttons, Facebook Like and Twitter buttons,Search Engine Friendly URLs, Save Recipes. All this…
Make users pay for obituary submission
Tip of the day: Make your users pay for each obituary they submit, using the in-built Subscription Manager in our Obituary Manager extension for Joomla. http://www.joomla6teen.com/Obituary-Manager-for-Joomla.html
Alphabetical Search/Filter for Recipe Manager
Here we can filter recipe list Alphabetically. Build your own High-end Recipes website with ratings and reviews, Youtube videos, Print One or All Recipes functionality, Share buttons, Facebook Like and Twitter buttons,Search Engine Friendly URLs, Save Recipes. All this comes…
Get in touch Feature for Yellow Pages
Let users get in touch with the business and generate enquiries. Build your own Yellow Pages Directory for your city. List all the possible business categories and sub-categories and start populating the data. It has loads of user-interactive features which…
Visitors Feature for Obituary Manager
This allows admin to track number of users visiting the Obituary’s page. Are you the owner of a Funeral Centre, run a Church website, a county’s webmaster, a newspaper’s webmaster or planning to build a Tributes portal and are looking…