Coupon Manager v3.2 has been released
Coupon Manager v3.2 has been released this morning. Here’s the changelog for this version. Among other features and bug fixes, we have added Authorize.net payment gateway, Automated Updates, QR code for Deals coupons and unique ID in SEF URLs.
Similar coupons image size should be cropped. Right now it is being resized.
“Enable Subscription for Store Owners” on Subscription Manager page sort column! Please change the language code for this to “Subscriptions”.
While subscribing to a coupon package as a store owner, payment options come up even if the package amount is Zero! Please fix.
When a new coupon is posted, the email is sent to admin. However, the ID for the coupon is missing in the email. So when admin clicks on it, it takes it to a page which says coupon has expired because the URL didnt have the Coupon ID. Need fixing.
When a Normal Registered user adds a coupon and a store, it does get published. But it doesnt get displayed on the website until I change his usertype to Store owner and then save the Store and Coupon again. Please fix.
The Payment Agreements etc are still coming from the old version. That needs to be fixed. There needs to be a separate editor in the backend for writing down Payments and Terms for Store owners.
Authorize.net Payment gateway for Coupon Manager
When printable coupon is available only for registered user, the “Print Limit Reached!” text is displayed on Printable coupons even if Print limit is not reached to non-logged-in users. Please show this message only if the print limit is reached. Otherwise display the “12 Printed, 123 More” text in both Logged-in and Non-Logged-In users.
If a guest adds a Registere-user only Printable coupon, it gets added to the Printer. Which is fine. However, when you email these coupons using Mail button on the Printer page, it emails the Registered-user only coupons as well!!!! Please fix.
Coupon API Embed code is not working. Please remove it.
Remove Phone field from user registration form.
On a Store detail page, Display Store’s Logo, Description, Website and Find on Map button with Text address as well.
Display My Printer and RSS Feed button on all pages.
On register layout, menu title needs fixing. “Sign Up with” is prefixed by default. That needs to be removed.
Fix the Intermittent Image Load issue with coupons listings. Shujayat ji has already fixed it in the demo site. Copy the patch.
ownerpaypal table does not get removed when uninstalling.
Add http:// prefix as default in the Web URL input box so user doesnt have to type it everytime he enters an URL. When displaying it in the frontend, remove the http:// prefix.
Admin should be able to login to the frontend without needing a package
Append coupon ID in SEF URL to prevent duplicates
Add a User and Add a Coupon buttons on the Sidebar in the backend is not working on some pages.
Print button for users to print his deals he bought, from the Deals bought section. Print should have unique Deal ID, Order ID and other details about store and the deal itself.
Generate QR Code for Deals coupon as well, in the user’s Deal bought section with its unique code, Order ID
Include Customer Name in the QR Code
Add this button in the Configuration section: Generate Google Map API Key – Also add the link to where they can go to generate the map API key for their domain
Map Settings: Set Zoom Level
Stores listings layout and Category listings layout need to be redesigned as per coupon listing layout.
JQuery should have a check that if template already has it then Coupon Manager should disable it.
Automatic Update
Authorize.net Payment gateway for Coupon Manager
Fix Modules
Update language files. Remove not-so-general languages like Chinese, Turkish etc. Keep only these languages: English
Title not displaying on Stores page
Generate thumbnails for Stores Logo on stores listings page.
Store and Category detail page shall have the description, contact fields, Logo, Title, map and coupons.
Confirmation functionality is added for deleting order in user panel for both order and deal
Payment method enable/disable setting is added in the backend for various payment process
Functionality is added for payment according to setting in backend for frontend
Different email data for admin store owner and user when order is placed.
Div Tag missing in Deal type coupon when leave the Expiry Date blank