How to order items automatically and remove load more button in JoomD?

Ques: Hi, i’m using 2.2.5 version of JoomD on my local site. So i’ve many Questions about…

1 – In my site, now, items are listed by id of publication. So, it’s possible to give another order to the page? I have not find any setting in the backend to do that. So, now it’s possible from front-end

when you click on the name of the item, but i need to order items alphabetical automatically.

2 – Is possible, when you enter in a category or in a global item list, view all the items without the load-more button at the bottom of the page?

Ans: When you create a menu there is an option to set the ordering of items in front end under Basic Options.

You can control the number of items to display using the Joomla’s Global Configuration List limit.

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