Ques: Parsererror message when i ADD / EDIT store in Front. Ans: change the code below in file components/com_coupon/views/register/tmp/store.php on line no.41 from url: “”, to url: “”,
Ques: I found out the DB table pey8q_coupon_users EMPTY …Why? Ans: Initially coupon user table is empty…when user register than entry will be update or in backend there are option to change user from normal user and then entry will…
Ques: How can i disable discount and Actual Price in Coupon type: Deal I dont want the discount and actual price to be required. Ans: In Deal type coupon the amount to be paid when user purchase coupon calculated on…
Ques: How can I remove RSS icon? Ans: To remove rss feed icon. comment the code from line no.290 to 304 in file components/com_coupon/views/coupons/tmpl/default.php.
Ques: Where can i find the QR code setting? Ans: You can find QR code configuration in configuration manager see attachment…here you can set height and width for it.
Ques: When I was testing the Paypal option I noticed a couple of things. 1) It forces you to create a paypal account to make the payment. Why can’t users just pay using a credit card and not be forced…
Ques: I’ve created an image extra field in coupon manager to display a barcode for each coupon. But i have 2 problems now: 1. The barcode image is to small and it has some kind of dot on the left…
Ques: how can i edit ” term of use ” and “agreement” Ans: You can edit the ” term of use ” and “agreement” in language file language/en-GB/en-GB.com_coupon…change the Keyword definition here…TOUTEXT on line no. 40
Ques: I installed coupon manager in english and i want to change the language in french in backend and frontend Ans: you can download french language http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/languages/translations-for-joomla/5314…and installl it on your site… Once installation a done…copy coupon manager French language…
Ques: I don’t receive emails through newsletter when I add a new coupon. I have check that both categories (the one subscribed and the one from the coupon) match. What is the problem then? Ans: You have to send newsletter…