Find out what our customers think of our Coupon Solutions
A review from a customer for Coupon Manager extension. We’re humbled.
“By no estimate would I consider myself much more of a beginner although I’ve used Joomla for a couple of years on my own website. Jumping into 2.5 AND purchasing my first ever commercial extension was a pleasantly simple experience with wonderful results!
I’m delighted with my Coupon Manager – does everything it’s supposed to do and then some. I typically attribute my stumbles and hiccups to user experience – that would be me! – but each time I emailed the developers with a usage question, the replies were VERY fast, extremely detailed and concise.
The Coupon Manager will give you the ability to create printable coupons (obviously) and vouchers, these are fabulous aspects I’ve found very useful:
Manipulate availability – start and end dates
Add custom fields – goes without saying
Position coupons anywhere on your Joomla site – menus, etc.
Include icons – very helpful for consumer brand recognition
Mobile friendly!
Very easy to use – clearly labeled tabs
Documentation – installation and custom settings
Multiple categories – ability to classify coupons across categories and sub-categories
Modules to further customize your Coupon Manager – these alone will create your ROI
MANY more options… I am pleased and very happy that this was my first commercial purchase!
SUPPORT: Will blow your socks off! Extremely approachable, knowledgeable and friendly; very eager to make sure you are getting the most out of every option in the package (there are MANY!!).
I especially appreciate support when it’s given in my language and at my level of learning – all of my requests for support were returned with information I was able to process without having to dig through my well-tabbed Joomla reference books. The developers at Joomla6teen believe in their products and have a very apparent affinity & appreciation for those of us on the other side of the monitor 🙂
Very highly recommended and I cannot wait for Joomla6teen to expand their offerings as my mouse and I will be first in the queue! Also check out their Directory – it’s free and SO simple to use and deploy!
That said, cheers and happy Joomla-ing!”