How to display a drop down in JoomD Search module?

Ques: How can I display a dropdown list in my search module, so that visitors can browse certain categories? Ans: There is an option in Search Module parameters to show/hide category drop down. Please check it out.

How to code the CSS for the contents built using JoomD?

Ques: Hi all…congrats to joomD team.iam new to joomla, i hv knowledge on php….i need help that how could i build a site like ( JoomD directory step by step…..please tell me…some of u already build that. Ans: It’s just…

How to import CSV files into JoomD?

Ques: Are there instructions for Importing csv files, or a sample csv file anywhere? Ans: You just need to export the data and that would be your sample file. Here are few points for the CSV file format to import:…

How to display search results in a new window/popup in JoomD?

Ques: How can I get the search results to display in a new window, without the site template. Just the result grid? Ans: You need to make few modifications. Find com_joomd/views/search/tmpl/default.php add an attribute as target=”_blank” in form tag at…

How to assign ownership to another user in JoomD?

Ques: I imported a long list of places into JoomD. Now I need to assign ownership to the specific places that I imported to specific users registered on my Joomla site. How can I do this? Right now I (as…

The title and file name get jumbled together in JoomD. How to fix it?

Ques: I ma not sure what I am doing wrong but when I hit my list button The title and file name get jumbled together and are dificult to read. how can I fix this? Ans: Please go to the…

How to modify the layout of the items listed in front end?

Ques: Hi team, thank you for developing this extension, it’s awesome. Currently I’m still trying to explore all its features. My Questions are: 1. Is there any way to limit the number of images uploaded by users when the image…

How to customize the JoomD search module?

Ques: I’d like to edit the source code of the search module to make two drop menus for the categories, one for top categories and the other for the sub categories of the selected parent category, i’ll do it on…

How to order items automatically and remove load more button in JoomD?

Ques: Hi, i’m using 2.2.5 version of JoomD on my local site. So i’ve many Questions about… 1 – In my site, now, items are listed by id of publication. So, it’s possible to give another order to the page?…

How to create installable fields in JoomD?

Ques: So far I’m liking the JoomD package, and as a freelance developer working on 2 directory sites (retail districts) it’s saved me so much time in set up and development. Sadly though, it is lacking one field I sorely…