Looking for PHP Developers with 0-1 yr experience with expertise in Javascript and CSS. Remunerations will be at par with the best in the industry. Flexible work hours. Freedom to do your thing your way. Bi-weekly outings. Email us at…
Urgently looking for a Tech Support person to answer support queries from our customers, help them with their issues mostly related to setup and install, configuration settings, language keywords updates etc. Preferably someone from the United States with elementary…
This festive season we are giving away unprecedented discounts on our products. 40 percent OFF on our Products Bundle. Valid till January 01, 2013. http://www.joomla6teen.com/All-In-One-Bundle.html
Introducing our dedicated Helpdesk for faster support resolutions. Visit us at http://www.joomla6teen.com/
Here’s the Features list / Bug fixes for Coupon Manager’s next version to be released on October 19th: Mark as Redeemed Option to add wire transfer/account details in offline payment Email coupon Configurable settings for QR codes Print layout control…
Patient can ask for appointments from Doctors using the Ask for an Appointment tab. Doctors will be able to manage appointments from their control panel in the frontend http://www.joomla6teen.com/Doctors-Listing-Directory.html
Tip of the day: Let smartphone users scan QR code of each coupon/deal you create using Coupon Manager, without any need to print the coupon/deal. Find more about it here: http://www.joomla6teen.com/Coupon-Manager-for-Joomla.html
Featured Customer of the Week: http://www.couponmania.com.gr/ Using our Product: Coupon Manager extension for Joomla Find more about it here: http://www.joomla6teen.com/Coupon-Manager-for-Joomla.html